Friday, April 27, 2007

Writing is Fun

So I started working on my new script yesterday. A little weepy still over having to shelve my baby, I jumped right into the new spec. And a funny thing happened... I didn't struggle with it. The words came naturally. The story developed on its own.

Ho-lee shit.

This must be what everyone was talking about. That whole "Writing is supposed to be fun" mantra that I kept scoffing at as I struggled with the old spec for weeks. It really is an amazing feeling.

Now I don't know what the final product will look like - but right now, I really don't care. I'm having so much fun writing this sucker that I'm not even worried how it will turn out - I'm just exhilarated by the story.

Weird, right? After being so worked up over my last spec, it's a bit weird to have things work so easily with this new one. I'm up to 15 pages (15 that I'm actually, truly happy with) with no signs of slowing down.

It's going to be awesome.

Oh, and I've decided I don't hate those of you who made me dump the last one so much anymore. You're back on the Christmas list, mother fuckers.


Anonymous said...

good to see you back on track crash keep the funny coming

Emily Blake said...
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Emily Blake said...


If you're not having fun you're doing something wrong.

So now that means you're finally doing it right.

annabel said...

Good deal!

ASA said...

Thank god! I was thinking 'no Christmas rum cake for Matt.'

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it, but --

Did you outline?