Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why I Write What I Write

Time for a quick break from my usual crass antics.

Underneath all the boorish stories and in between all the crude jokes, I live with two constant struggles in my life.

The first is staying clean.

I have to turn my head anytime a scene involving drug use comes on during a movie or television show, because no matter how gruesome they may be trying to portray the act as - I can only see the romance in it.

That gentle dance between your mind and the drug.

It's like the most intimate, whirlwind relationship you've ever experienced. Love, hate - empowerment, failure. All wrapped into one.

There are nights I have trouble falling asleep because it's all I can think about.

But, I manage.

I know if I ever fall off the wagon it'll be the death of me. And I'm not quite ready to die yet.

The second, is my son.

I dream about him constantly.

Sometimes it's that he's sick, other times it's that his mother has given up on raising him and dropped him off at my doorstep, and sometimes it's her calling me to tell me he's dead.

Last night I dreamt he was sitting next to me on the bed while I slept.

Nothing more. Just him sitting next to me on the bed, playing and smiling in his blue jammies, as I quietly slept through the night.

I try to manage with this struggle as well, but I can't help but tear up a little whenever I see a beautiful baby with pudgy little legs run across the television.

So, maybe these are the reasons why I am the way I am. Why I write what I write.

I've seen enough serious times and dark alleys to last me a lifetime. I don't need to write about it too.

I'd rather use the time I have left to talk about things that are mundane and obscene.

Whip out your dicks, fellas. Fuck while you can.

Life's too short.


Anonymous said...

good stuff iq

i personally love ur blog and enjoy being surprised by what new thing ur talking about every day

sometimes its milfs sometimes its writing its always a mystery but exciting and fun

keep it up

IQCrash said...


That's how I roll.

ASA said...

IQ...Mundane? Please...

IQCrash said...

Mundane as they come, baby. ;)

Jim Endecott said...


Found your blog from your sig on Artful. It's scary to toss your soul out here on the ether. I stop here every morning to see what you have to say.

My son is the most precious thing in my life. We have a blast together. I would never want to know what it is to have a son out there somewhere that I don't know.

Someday he will come looking for you. Be ready.


Christian H. said...

I know the feeling. Everyone said I was crazy for not having smoking, etc in a college movie but to my utter joy and justification, Disney has canceled all smoking in future movies. Too bad I was too late for the Fellowship this year.

I think my life is officially up to being shit now. Maybe it'll make to just kinda fucked up by XMas.

Thanks Disney.

Wait, what the hell did that have to do with WHY I did it? Well, I guess you can disregard all of that. I don't know why.

annabel said...

Geez, you made me get all teary.

Anonymous said...

"whip out your dicks"... and that my friend is why I write

Anonymous said...


IQCrash said...

Yeah, eddie?