Tuesday, July 24, 2007

8 Random Facts

Nick, the world's greatest writerist, has tagged me to list eight random facts about myself.

Here goes.

  • I'll only have seven of these.

I couldn't come up with an eighth answer. So I decided to come back up here and add this in as my first entry. There will only be seven random facts.

Shit happens.

  • I wish I were smarter.

I'm not exactly a ten dollar word kind of guy, never have been. Give me a good looking girl and a vice or two - and I'm pretty much a happy man.

But there are days when I look upon those who use words like esoteric and ubiquitous in regular conversation with envy. Would I be a better writer if I were smarter? I've always been a life-experiencing type over a book-learning one, so I guess we'll never know.

  • I'm not black.

Much to the surprise and chagrin of people who try to bum a cigarette off me, I smoke menthols. Kools, to be exact. Most smokers who read this blog are making an uneasy face right now. Menthols just aren't very popular. Unless you're black. Then you smoke Newports or Kool. But contrary to what my smoking habits may tell you - I'm not black.

  • I used to be a Republican.

It's true. I was a South Park Republican - fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I used to vote party line every single year until the last presidential election - at which point I abstained from voting for the first time since I turned 18. Now days, I don't have a political party.

  • I fuck in strange places.

My first experience with this strange habit was on the log ride at Six Flags Magic Mountain. You know the one, right? A big log with a bench in the middle that twists and turns through water. Well, I fucked on that once. Before I knew they had installed those spiffy little cameras that take your picture on one of the drops. Needless to say, neither the guy operating the booth nor the parents in line waiting to buy said pictures were very pleased with what they saw on the screen above.

It did trigger a long line of weird sexual escapades, though - encompassing such interesting locales as a hotel balcony facing a busy city street, the parking lot outside the gym, and multiple public bathrooms - to name a few.

  • My jokes sometimes lead to uncomfortable situations.

I talk a lot of shit. You know this. One of my long-standing schticks is to go on and on about getting a hummer from a tranny. Don't ask me to explain why I do these things, I barely understand it myself.

So one day we're with a group of friends and I jump right into my tranny routine when one of the guys in the group says, "Are you serious? Because I found a bunch of shemale porn on my dad's computer when I was a kid and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it."

Nobody really picked on him for being a 30 year old virgin after that.

  • A tattoo on your dick is as good as spanish fly.

Nothing makes a woman want to pull out and see your schmeckel more than telling her you have a tattoo on it. It's literally a carte blanche to sleep with whomever you want - because, well, once it's out you gotta do something with it, right?

My only regret is not having discovered this phenomena sooner - because I would have gotten it done ages ago.

  • I got my sex-ed from the 80's.

The first bush I ever saw was in the movie Revenge of the Nerds. Where they install cameras in the girls dormitory and Booger shouts, "We've got bush!" We've got bush, indeed, Booger.

The first movie I ever rubbed one out to was Hamburger: The Motion Picture. It was a teen sex flick like Porky's, except at Hamburger University. Don't look at me, I just tugged one out to it - I didn't write it.

My first Playboy was given to me by my father. It was the Suzanne Somers issue. Thank you, Chrissy Snow.

Thank you for everything.


Dante Kleinberg said...

You're an odd dude.

But I'll agree with you on the fiscally conservative socially liberal point. That's me too, but I didn't know there was a term for it.

IQCrash said...

I'm trying to break the NC-17 rating.

Also, I'm an odd dude.

Christina said...

"Would I be a better writer if I were smarter?"

Yes, but.

Wouldn't we all?

I don't think a large vocabulary has much to do with smarts.

In fact, a know a few folks who toss around eight syllable words like you toss around barely legal girls (or so you would have us believe). And to be honest, I think they're trying to impress with their lingo in an effort to bury some insecurity.

ASA said...

IQ, you are my hero...

No shit.

I LOVE that you constantly and consistently open up your world to us. Do I always agree with you and mindlessly tag along for the rides you bring your readers on? Nope. You ARE kind of fucked up -- but in a cool way.

Your screenplays should (hopefully) reflect that same 'inside' appeal.

Creating screenplays/films is not about 'smarts,' it's about cranking out material an audience wants to see.

You may not be everyone's cup-o-tea, but at least you're original and honest.

Anonymous said...

IQ Clause,

This post? Interesting, but not surprising.

I also notice you couldn't help but use my name in your first post.

That's sweet. I'm touched.

Stercus Accidit

*you can't stop thinking about me, can you?*

Nicklaus Louis said...

Every time I visit your blog, I like you more.

"Hamburger: The Motion Picture"???


annabel said...

You may wish you had a bigger vocabulary, but you do speak a couple of languages. You get bonus points for that! :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, falling on a log from a high altitude does not constitute fucking it, unless of course you defied the odds and found the knothole... Secondly, smoke clove cigarettes, you'll be so much cooler heh... thirdly, I don't have time to say because I have a tattoo appointment