Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here I Go Again On My Own

Going down the only road I've ever known.

That's right. As of a couple days ago, I'm officially writing solo again.

Me. Sans writing partner.

While I'd love to regale you with a sordid tale of betrayal and violence, the truth is simply that Annabel is a mother of at least three dozen children (if not hundreds more) with a whole lot of responsibilities.

My biggest decision of the day is what cereal to have for breakfast.

We'd have enjoyed continuing to write together - and I'm sure we will again - but, for now, I'm on a pretty tight schedule if I'm going to give this 12 month thing a real shot.

That means that I need to be pushing forward at full steam.

Even if it is alone.

With all its flaws, we cranked out a really great script together in record time. From inception to three full drafts in under a month. That's pretty awesome.

The sad part is, I really enjoyed writing with a partner. Having someone readily available to bounce ideas off of - who also happens to be equally invested in the project - is so huge that I can't even begin to describe it.

Oh well. C'est la vie.

So, here I am. Outlining my new masterpiece and about to get cranking on it.

Disney Fellowship application goes out tomorrow - so wish me luck with that as well.

Other than that, stay tuned as I have a blog or two to throw up here in short order.

Coming up: My First MILF

And it's only fitting that today's Song of the Day is - Whitesnake. Here I Go Again.


Anonymous said...

Godspeed, IQ.

Anonymous said...

the first week of my job working in a record store entailed watching the uncensored video of Tawny on the Jaguar hood, slowed down to see the beaver shot.... thanks for the reminder, my good man

I almost made a deal on a collaboration last year, I figured I could juggle my own with helping someone else... how did you guys do it? email back n forth and talk on IM? or were you two in the same town and could meet?

IQCrash said...

We basically spent a few hours a day on the phone developing characters and outlining. Once we had the outline locked in - the writing was done back and forth via email.

I love Tawny.