Sunday, July 22, 2007

I'm a Potty Mouth

Everyone seems to be doing this blog rating thing now, so who am I to argue with the mob. The mob is Rome.

Free Online Dating

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

  • asshole (14x)
  • fuck (13x)
  • shit (8x)
  • cock (7x)
  • suck (6x)
  • sex (4x)
  • grope (3x)
  • piss (2x)
  • rape (1x)
Who knew?

I knew.


Christina said...

That so explains why I feel like I need a shower after reading your blog.

And grope? Really? That qualifies? Hm.

IQCrash said...

Are you sure the shower's not because you get all misty.

You know.

Down there?

Anonymous said...

whenever you say "cock" I secretly giggle

Emily Blake said...

Does this come as a surprise to anybody?

You are a dirty, bad boy and must be punished.

Christina said...

"Down there?" Really? Hm.

IQCrash said...

Hey, I'm just asking.

Don't be ashamed of your womanly bits.

Be proud of them.

Christina said...

"Bits?" Really? Sounds like it's missing the kibbles.

And since you're already going there (so predictable!)...we all know that dogs' tongues are way cleaner than your blog.

Now I definitely must shower. Disgusting.